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Sakha Republic
Russian republic

Sakha, officially the Republic of Sakha, is a republic of Russia, in the Russian Far East, along the Arctic Ocean, with a population of roughly 1 million.

Area: 3.084 million km²
Capital: Yakutsk
Colleges and Universities: Yakutskiy Kolledzh Kul'tury I Iskusstv,
Points of interest: Natsional'nyy Park "Lenskiye Stolby"

The majority of Sakha live in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), formerly the Yakut ASSR, as well as Magadan, Sakhalin and Amur Oblasts. The Sakha religion is a mixture of shamanism-animism (Tengrianism) and Eastern Orthodoxy.

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Average temperature | sakha republic average temperature
The climate of Sakha, which is the most severe of the inhabited world, is the extreme of continental, with an average January temperature of −46 °F (−43.5 °C) and an average July temperature of 66 °F (19 °C). Only exceptionally dry air and calm weather conditions make the lower temperatures bearable.

Average height
Average height is 135 cm (13.1 h) in stallions and 132 cm (13.0 h) in mares. The third variety is the Larger Southern type, which is the result of cross-breeding with other breeds, and is widespread in central Yakutia. This type measures 141 cm (14.0 h) in stallions and 136 cm (13.2 h) in mares.

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