"#OneWordReview... #AtrangiRe: DELIGHTFUL. Rating: ***½ #AtrangiRe lives up to its title - unconventional, complex plot that's rich in emotions and drama... Rides on solid drama, but loosens post-interval... Emotional finale a high point... Genuinely hatke film!"
#TutejaTalks Tutejajoginder"#AtrangiRe is a beautiful movie and unfolds like a fairy tale. Sweet & simple with a distinct aanandlrai touch, it's a love story with a difference. SaraAliKhan is endearing, dhanushkraja makes you pine for him andakshaykumar brings on entertainment. A family watch ***1/2."
Rohit Jaiswal rohitjswl01"Review - #AtrangiRe Rating - 3*/5 Atrangi Re - Super Entertaining Romantic drama.... Pure love & madness with excellent songs. #AanandLRai delivers a wholesome entertainment to OTT audience this Christmas."
Shobha Sant ShobhaIyerSant"#AtrangiRe is a truly unusual plot. dhanushkraja is effortless and endearing SaraAliKhan is a revelation akshaykumar is in an unusual role arrahman is simply amazing. But the master is aanandlrai in his best film yet."
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