Send your name to mars on NASA’s mars 2020 Rover Mission | Get your Boarding Pass now

Mars 2020 NASA mission Send your name to Mars: If Want to send your name to Mars on NASA's next rover mission. You’ll get your name etched on a microchip affixed to the rover and you will get a souvenir boarding pass as shown in the image. NASA's Mars 2020 Rover is heading to the Red Planet. So, submit your name by on or before Sept. 30, 2019, 11:59 p.m. ET, and fly along! Your email is used only to give you “Frequent Flyer” points and to allow you to send your name on future Mars missions.

And you'll get a free "boarding pass"!

Your name could take a flight to Mars next year. NASA is inviting people around the world to submit their names to fly aboard the life-hunting Mars 2020 rover, which is scheduled to launch next summer and touch down on the Red Planet in February 2021.

The Mars 2020 the rover mission is part of NASA's Mars Exploration Program, a long-term effort of robotic exploration of the Red Planet. The mission also provides opportunities to gather knowledge and demonstrate technologies that address the challenges of future human expeditions to Mars.

NASA is under presidential orders to land humans on Mars by 2033, and NASA-funded engineers are studying a way to build potential human habitats there by producing bricks from pressurized Martian soil. The European Space Agency has a long-term goal to send humans but has not yet built a crewed spacecraft.

No amount of money will buy you a ticket to Mars right now, but SpaceX CEO Elon Musk says the cost of relocating to another planet could be $500,000 in the not-too-distant future. If you decide you don't like it on Mars, no problem; you can come back to Earth for free.

From now until September 30, you can add your name to the list (and obtain a souvenir boarding pass to Mars) here

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