Flip Books for Beginners

If you want to make a flipbook by hand, get a small, thick stack of paper, then use a pencil to draw an image on the bottom sheet of paper in the stack. Keep the image in the bottom right corner of the sheet so it's visible when you're flipping through the book.

You can use a notebook or pad of sticky notes, or bind your own stack of paper using glue, staples, or a paper clip. Look for paper that is around 3 x 5 inches (7.6 x 12.7 cm). Something slightly smaller or larger will work too. Use lightweight paper for your flipbook so the pages are easy to flip.

So, how many pages will you need? Traditionally, the film uses 24 frames a second, and video uses 30. You do not need this level of detail for your book. Anywhere from 8 to 15 frames, i.e. pages, per second will work.

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