Always Trust Your Gut

By Jayden

I and My family Were planning to stay over at my aunt house in Pennsylvania for the weekend Me and brother were going along with my aunts brother me and brother are very close to him so I never felt a weird vibe. We Just got of NJ and it started turning dark we were still on the road I have this strange feeling that someone was following us we were only 20 mins away from our aunts house so I didn’t really think of it, Until this car it looked like a Grey But small car one of those standards cars. I had the feeling it was following us for the past 20 mins driving to my aunt’s place that car was following us. Just to let u guys know I’m one of those people who will be very paranoid about everything. 

We just pulled up to house the car behind us started to slow down when we pulled over I saw it turn there right and it was like there was no sign of the car. It is ran my aunt has these 2 big windows showing outside and my aunt house is really big so it’s showing u down at the ground. It’s currently 2:15am. I decided to look at the windows and then I froze I saw the same car and some guy really tall looking at the window. I got into a panicked and went back. I went back just make sure he wasn’t there and I was dreaming and he was gone.

 I’m sleeping currently on the first floor while everyone is sleeping in the second. If u were asking where my brother is he is upstairs with my mom. But I woke up to basement door being open I could see a figure coming out and then running towards fast I Didn’t do anything he grabs me then I screamed everyone came down and the man ran back downstairs as me being paranoid I followed him but fell and he drove away in that same stupid ass car. After this situation, I have made a promise to always trust my gut.

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