Here's is the list of some words which we pronounce incorrectly
1. Mischievous
You thought that this one has four syllables when it has only three.
2. Espresso
There is no "x" in espresso.
Be particularly careful not to say "expresso".
3. Jewellery
For this time we tend to cut out a syllable that's actually there.
It should be "JEW-ell-ree," not "JEWL-ree."
4. Liable
If you say "liability," you probably include all the right syllables. The same goes for the adjective form of it:
It's pronounced "li-AH-bull," not "LIE-bull."
5. Triathlon
We add a syllable that isn't there, pronouncing it "tri-AHT-a-LON." It's actually just "tri-ATH-lon."
6. Zoology
Correct pronunciation here is going to sound crazy, but it's true: It's not "zoo-OLL-oh-gee." It's just "ZOO-loh-gee" (rhymes with "eulogy").
7. Celtic
It turns out we've all been calling the Boston Celtics by the wrong name. Incorrect: "SELL-tick." Correct: "KELL-tick."
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